Brand new heavy
Hi friends and family. Just to inform that I am now officially a partner of Dior & Co. Many of you always assume that I am already a partner. Well, I have to follow the standard requirement. I can't just be a partner by virtue of my dad being the boss. Most of my colleagues obtained their partnership after 3-4 years of practice. I believe that experience matters. Hence, me complying to the 4 years of practise as well. As for consideration, yes, I provided consideration for my partnership. No, I don't see that I have automatic right to this partnership and hence the shares should be FOC. I am a believer of paying the cost in order to gain. Now that I'm a partner, the responsibility is of course greater. Am I thrilled? You bet I am. Am I going to be 'higher' in terms of ranks compared to my other peers. By all means, no. & people, don't make a big deal of this either. Because already some of them see me as having 'made it' in life...whatever that...