Miley Cirus 'racist'?

Margaret Cho, a comedian, called Miley Cyrus a disgrace in just because she posed in a stereotypical gesture. With due respect, I am a Malaysian living in the midst of people of many races, religion and culture. I have watched a school drama whereby a Chinese girl acted as an Indian and the Indian acted as a Chinese. Needless to say, it was hilarious. In order for the Indian to succesfully play her role as a Chinese, she squinted her eyes (Indians are blessed with big round eyes!) All this was done in good fun. No one in the hall was offended while watching.

Do I find Miley Cyrus racist by virtue of the gesture? Not at all. I noticed that there was an Asian in her midst when the picture was taken. And he did the same gesture as well. If she's a racist, she won't be friends with an Asian. Think about it. In fact, I respect her for accepting that Asian dude within her close circle of friends. A racist won't do that.

Oh ya...I heard that the persons who find her offensive is seeking USD4million as damages. Hah! I see the opportunists at work.

Give Miley a break please!! She's still young. She has a lot to learn. Let her live and learn.


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