Book spree & CD Spree!!

Yesterday, went gift hunting at Doulos. Supposedly to be gift hunting, nangga2x, bought stuffs for myself. Hehehe.....

So at Doulos, I bought 3 books. 1 book is a gift for my coming X'mas party. 2 books for myself. All for RM24. Stinking cheap right? If I buy these books at the local bookstore, it'll cost me somewhere around RM25-RM35 per book. Yeah....dirt cheap.

When I thought I was done with my book spree, I came across one section of the ship where they have an offer. 4CDs + 1 doulos bag for RM20. Or 3 books + 1 Doulos bag for RM20. Wowsers! How can I resist!! Off I went & managed to grab 4 CDs. American made CDs are of good quality man.

One of the Cds that I picked was a Christian rock group called Decypher Down. I stumbled across this band while I was copying songs to my MP3 player from my bro's PC. I like what I heard & I always wonder how is their full album like. Needless to say it rocks & when I read throught the lyrics of 'Breathe Again', I was just like man... These dudes not only rock in terms of sound but their lyrics have depth to it. As to how rock it is, think about groups like Trapt & Breaking Benjamin.

So friends & family, if you happen to be here in Kuching, & you're a book freak like me, please drop by at the Doulos. One thing I can tell you, you won't be disappointed.

Happy book hunting!!


Stereomanic said…
hello there, friendly stranger here...quite interesting that you found decypher down(wait did i spell it right?). anyway, here is a website you may like if you are still looking for christian rock bands at

btw, how long will doulas be here?
i need to check them out but i'm quite busy at the moment.

check out my website and my post
Jezzy said…
Doulos will be here till the 8th Jan' 2009. Sorry, I mispelt the band's name myself. Its Decyfer Down. No 'p'. You'll like it. Go grab it. Since its 4 CDs for Rm20, another CD worth grabbing is Echoing Angels. Its more subtle in comparison though.
Stereomanic said…
it's ok..we all make mistake sometimes.hey thanks for the update yo. i'm actually looking for the new kutless of my favourite christian bands...i am also a metalist;a person who loves music that sounds like trash so i'm also looking for christian metal bands..hope i will find them..hehe...echoing should try to look for thousand foot krutch or anberlin or perhaps day of fire..oooh..i love that band, a mix of nirvana with a bit of nickelback...oooh...seventh day slumber(sounds a bit like daughtry,if you like that kind of sound) ...yes, i've done my research..haha...
Jezzy said…
Hey, u sure know your stuff! Good for you. I thought I saw Kutless CDs on sale at MPH. Not sure...

Yeah. Was looking for all the bands that you mentioned on board the ship. But neah...they don't have them. I regretted not getting Chevelle's Cd though. So after Christmas, I'll get Chevelle's CD. I recommend this group to you.So, do check it out.
Stereomanic said…
yes i have fact i bought it that day i went..which was a few days ago..i think friday or saturday..cant break from work makes me forget what day i'm living in...hehe..yes, mph sells kutless CD and Toby Mac is good too(if you know DC talk -jesus freak...he is the guitarist and rapper of the band)...
Jezzy said…
Doulos shipped out this morning. There goes the Chevelle Cd! Was so busy that I didn't have the time to get it. Aiya, Regret la... Sad, sad, sad...
Stereomanic said…
i guess you have to revert back to downloading online then?
Jezzy said…
Yeah...problem is time. I've got no time. Tsk...tskk...

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