
Showing posts from September, 2008

Festive mode

As much as I'm excited for my Muslim friends who will be celebrating the Raya this coming Wednesday, I just don't like the 'before' effect of the festive season. Be it Raya, Christmas or CNY for that matter. For me, when a festival is just around the corner, I automatically get into the festive mode. Festive mode is where my mind starts to shut off from work. I may be physically at work, but work is far from my mind. I begin to get sluggish & the temptation to put aside my datelines is so strong. Am I going to share to you all about overcoming this 'festive mode'. Share I will. But not on overcoming but on succumbing. Ah well...there's tomorrow, which is the last day. Hopefully, I'll do better. Wait till the Raya holidays end. Then there will be the after effects of the holidays. That will be another episode altogether. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my Muslim friends. God bless & enjoy this season with your family and love ones.


Hi everyone in the blog community, Well, this is so awkward... Blogging seems to be the 'in-thing' these days. I've been thinking about joining the blogging trend(not that I'm a person who just want to delve into the 'in-thing')but I've been hindered due to thoughts like what am I going to write about & what if I get into trouble with the government(ya right..far fetched am I?). I guess I'm just blogshy, if there's such a word. If it weren't for Daron, my pastor, friend & brother(pastor, these words are mushy & you know how hardcore I am in expressing my feelings..haha!) I won't be doing this. He's the one who encouraged me to blog. & lo & behold, I'm doing this! So viewers, I hope my blog would be entertaining & inspiring. Hopefully, I can get some good out of this.