Now that's dedication!!

Just got back from the youth cell group. This is the longest cell I've ever attended. Starts at 5p.m. But before that, accompanied Eddy to pick up his friend, Diana, all the way from 17th Mile. Come 5p.m, we started...officially. Finished at 6:45p.m. & after that went for dinner.
We went to Gado for dinner. Quite a nice and cosy hang out place. Had a big lamb burger which cost about RM5. Not bad I say...After finishing dinner, off we go to send Diana home. By the time we reach Siburan, it was about 9p.m.
I'm so amazed at Eddy's dedication to drive Diana, who is a new believer, all the way from 17th Mile for cell group. He's been telling me 'What have I gotten myself into?' Well, at the end of the day, its an investment in the enlargement of God's Kingdom. Great shall be his reward in heaven.
Seeing Eddy's commitment, it somehow remind me about my service unto God. Am I serving Him in my convenience? If it is so, then where is the sacrifice?
Oh ya..He's picking Diana again to church tomorrow. Wow...Such dedication. Kudos to him!!


Jezzy said…
Haha...our Eddy's really changed.

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