Brand new heavy

Hi friends and family. Just to inform that I am now officially a partner of Dior & Co. Many of you always assume that I am already a partner. Well, I have to follow the standard requirement. I can't just be a partner by virtue of my dad being the boss. Most of my colleagues obtained their partnership after 3-4 years of practice. I believe that experience matters. Hence, me complying to the 4 years of practise as well.

As for consideration, yes, I provided consideration for my partnership. No, I don't see that I have automatic right to this partnership and hence the shares should be FOC. I am a believer of paying the cost in order to gain.

Now that I'm a partner, the responsibility is of course greater. Am I thrilled? You bet I am. Am I going to be 'higher' in terms of ranks compared to my other peers. By all means, no. & people, don't make a big deal of this either. Because already some of them see me as having 'made it' in life...whatever that means. Remember, life is about impact. If we're rich, smart but we don't make a difference in other people's life, that's not making it in life. I write this, I'm thinking whether I should buy me a luxurious car and start donning Donna Karan's suits? Neah...That I won't do either. I can't see myself as being that kind of person.

Its a heavy role friends. And its a new path for me. This is really heavy duty and yes, I do think at times: What have I gotten myself into? Do pray for me. That God would bring forth success in everything that I do. Amen!!


Jarod Yong said…
Often times, ppl become partner only when they are able to bring in a certain amount of money into the firm.
Your father is very generous to make it based on seniority.

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