The plight of 'babo'ness

Today has been a busy day for me. If that's not enough, mum had to 'balik kampung' as there was some emergency matters which she had to attend too. As she has to answer the call of duty, I had to juggle mum's job & work. In addition to that, my li' bro Calvin is busy with his band competition. His forgetfullness wasn't a help either..he forgot his uniform...then his belt....then his band ticket. Haiya..

I was rushing from morn till evening. When I finished work, I headed towards my car. As I reached the parking lots, I saw a car which was similar to my car. So I pressed my car remote, but there was no response whatsoever coming from my car. battery is weak, is it? But cannot be cause I just changed the remote a few days ago. Then I suddenly wondered...why isn't there any blue light coming out from the dashboard..where my sensors are. Hmm....another weird thing (reality hasn't sinked in yet.)

I might think that by those 2 signs, I should be able to figure out the truth of the matter. But no.... Still not figuring out why my 'car' door wouldn't open, then I looked at the green extra parking coupon on the windscreen. What came to my mind thought I parked my car here at 4:30p.m. I don't think 30 minutes had already passed. After the 3rd weird happening, then did I took a good look inside the car. Turned out that the 'car' wasn't even my car. embarassinng!! Dahle my clerk's husband was around to see this humiliating occurrence. So 'babo'. Its been awhile that I experienced the plight of 'babo'ness. Well, this things happen..and when it does, its humiliating. But I laughed it off. That's just me..I crack myself up sometimes.


Jarod Yong said…
It's not 'babo'ness...
It's 'chabo'ness...
Jezzy said…
Chabo like dat one meh?

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