Give grace to Elizabeth Wong

Elizabeth Wong's nude pictures scandal has been a big hit recently. Some groups were sympathetic towards her, seeing it as a grievous unfortunate event. But some looked at her with scorn and demands her resignation...they remind me of the Pharisees in the Bible.

Why should Elizabeth resign because of something which is not wrong legally? Her privacy was invaded. She is a victim of one sicko out there..whoever he is, I hope the authority would get him and bring him to justice!

As for her morality, that is between her and God. For Christians, telling a white lie is equal to the sin of killing. Lusting for someone in the mind is equivalent to committing adultery. Sin is sin. So whoever has no sin whatsoever, let them be the 1st one to cast the stone at her. God in His infinite mercy, has poured out His abundant grace upon us. Likewise, lets be gracious towards Elizabeth.

Malaysian Christians, let us pray for Elizabeth Wong. That God would redeem and restore her. God is able to use our mistakes for His Glory.


Jarod Yong said…
When I read your post, I asked myself who is Elizabeth Wong?

So I checked it out...
She got her picture taken while sleeping...

We should all be careful of what we allow our lovers to do because it may come back to haunt us!
Jezzy said…
Yeah..hehe. That's why be careful when in a relationship.
Jezzy said…
Oh ya...hey, don't see the picsla. Just read the news on line. Aiya u...
Jarod Yong said…
How could you think such a thing?!!
She's not tempting enough to even warrant me searching on the net for her naked pictures!

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