Who would have thought?

While writing this, I'm in an internet cafe in Sibu. Don't ask me which part of Sibu I am in right now. Cause I am clueless!!

So, why am I blogging at this point of time, you might think? I'm bored. I want to pass time...cause Angeli's only goin' to pick me up at 2:45p.m. from work. And most of all to complaint.

I am not one who likes to complain to the public at large. But today, I just had to. I flew all the way to Sibu & made it a point to stay over night cause I thought I was going to take half a day at least for my case. Turned out that my expectation was wrong..if I only knew!! I was duped, tricked by 'someone' . Sorry sir. You might be a 'big shot' but you don't get my respect. I am really concern with your character and integrity. I question your capability of being the peoples' rep. God will repay!!

Oh well. That's alright. At least I can spend time with my friend, Angeli. Its a good time to minister... as the Lord leads of course.

I'm sure you guys might think, who is that person whom I'm very upset with. Its ok. Don't need to know. Just pray for God to give us God-fearing leaders.

OK..Gotta go back to boredom!!


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