Getting over addiction

Its Year 2016! Greetings and happy new year though its already the month of February!

I have not been blogging! Had a rough bout last year on an addiction which I'm not prepared yet to share publicly. Here's the thing about addiction. When I am faced with frustrations in life, when I feel the pain that goes with it, in order to escape it, I turn to that particular form of addiction(I shall call it "nonsense" hereinafter!). First try, it seems like its a relief albeit knowing that its sin. Then there's the battle of "don't-do-it!" and the total opposite of that. Unfortunately, when the pain comes again, the winning team is the of course the "do-it!" team. It goes on and on, the repentance and falling to sin again, goes on and on. Like a never ending cycle!

Do I get sick of it? Yes, I do! It sucks! Keep telling myself I gotta end this or else I'm gonna fall deep into the abyss. The deeper it is, the harder it gets to get out of it. So towards the end of December, 2015, I told God and myself, I have to quit! And God, I need your help to do this. I fasted. I prayed. Yes, it was tough as there was a relapse. When will I get my breakthrough?

Anyway, my mum called for a family fast and prayer meeting on the 1.1.2016. It was timely, as it was the beginning of the new year. Usually, I am resistant of any family prayer meeting of sorts. However, this time round, I felt in my heart, that I want to do this. So on the day of the meeting, mum was led to call for repentance for each of us. Each of us prayed according to our turn. When my turn came, I spoke a few words and suddenly, I teared up! I couldn't say much coz the tears got in the way. I knew that God was doing something in me. I believe that God was giving me the breakthrough that I need. At times, there are whispers of going back. I'm not saying that I should give up the battle. Believe me, I still continue on claiming the victory. I'm still casting down those whispers! We need to continue to shield ourselves despite the breakthrough.

Really, God is amazing. I thank God that He never gave up on me. For those who are in ministry, or if you're not, just continue going to church, serving despite the addiction. Continue to fight the battle. Continue to pray for repentance and breakthrough. Continue to be in the midst of christian brethren. & don't believe what the enemy say about you either.

God bless!


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