A call to the Christian singles out there!

As I've always said, being single is a blessing. Unfortunately, the singles tend to get swayed to living a life of selfishness instead of selflessness. We tend to submit to the game of climbing the corporate ladder instead of going for God's High Commission. We tend to fall for the pull of leisure & pleasure with the money that we earned. Have we forgetten that the time & resources that we have are all God given? Is this how our God wants us, the singles, to live?

Singles, including myself, need to remember that we can make a difference. There are many things that we can offer to the younger generation. If you're a lady, you can be a sister to the young ones. Or the guys can be a brother to them. & yes, the young ones need big sisters & brothers to lead them & mentor them. Being single means we have the time. We have the resources. So let us use it for this very purpose. To impart value & character into their lives. To inspire them to be godly & to be a better person in life. Its not easy to deal with youths. I know...cause I was a youth once. All of us were youths once. So we need to remind ourselves, when the youths mess up, extend love & grace. Disciple them in love as that was what we hoped for back then. We need to remind ourselves that the youths are our future generation & that God loves them very much.

Being mentors mean that we need to be a good example. So we need to buck up in our attitudes & start polishing our characters. It is a tough task, I dare say, but if we love God, we need to change. & with God's help we can change. Personally, I find it rewarding to see a young one whom I mentored to grow up as a succesfull person. The joy of seeing this is worth more than any treasures that the world has to offer. The sense of accomplishment is indescribable!

So calling all singles out there. Let us answer the call to be mentors, to be spiritual big sister or big brother to the youths. Lets make a difference in order that we have a legacy for the next generation. Is it worth it? Yes, it is. & I believe with all my heart, that when we meet God in heaven, He would say, "Well done, my good & faithful servant."

God bless!


Jarod Yong said…
I mentor more than 100 adolescents every year.
Jezzy said…
Ya..I know. God job bro!

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