Tis the season to be jolly, but...

Yup...Christmas is coming soon. In fact, the spirit of it is already here. FB is flooded with people talking about their Christmas list & conveying their Christmas wishes. As for me, I ain't feeling it...not yet I suppose. I hope I can get in the mood soon. I guess..I'm just stressed out with the activities involved. Caroling practices, preps for the eve's dinner, gift shopping...I know these are excuses! I shouldn't find these things draggy no? I'm posting lovely pictures on Christmas coz I'm trying to stir the 'christmas spirit' within me. Well, I hope I get there...soon. I don't want to be like that Grinch who stole Christmas. Yikes! And I'm trying my best too, telling myself its not about me. Its about Jesus! This season is suppose to be an opportunity! Come on Jezzy! Time to get jazzin' for Christmas. Sigh!