Pets in action

I love my pets. They are all family. This year, I lost my 2 beloved cats, Hannah and Hunter. Miss them loads! I've only but memories of them left. Perdy, the lost one...I know she's somewhere out there. She came to us as a stray. She's a fighter!
Hannah...given to us when she was an adult cat. We lost her this year. She is very old. Estimated to be in her 20s. I believe she left us because she doesn't want us to be sad..Thoughtful of her..
Hunter..he is true to his name! He hunts! & he is a wild one! Hunter does what he wanna do. Even my dog doesn't mess with him. He is a life to the edge..and it caused him his life. Miss him loads cause this one has got character! Good posing skill & loves to be the centre of attraction. But no, you don't get to touch him cause he ain't a touchy cat. Really miss scolding him and being irritated by him.
Smokey...First time I saw her, its her ash colored eyes that grabbed my attention. She's a princess type of character. Loves to purr & cuddle. Don't be underestimated with her looks. She is a fast, kitten. My little speedy Gonzalez. Lurks from corners, pounces around..I guess, she is still a kitten. She must be missing Hunter now..sigh!


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