Native of Sabah & Sarawak...hear ye, hear ye!

Got a call from a friend of mine who told me of her predicament. She was told by a property developer to confirm on her bumiputera (Native) status before she could be entitled to a discount proffered to the bumiputera purchasers. She got agitated coz from her understanding, as long as her parents are of native race, automatically (duh!) that would make her native. But no..coz apparently the property developers question this and hence, the need for her to make a Statutory Declaration that she is of native race. So I got on the job in preparing her SD. At the same time trying to figure out why is her bumiputera status being questioned. And so this is my deduction..(1) the Malaysian Identity Card does not state the race of the card holder. Hmmm...My 2 cents, wouldn't it be better to state our race for ease of purpose, taking into account Malaysia is blessed with a large group of indigenous race who are of native status. (2) my friend's birth cert did not state the race of her parents & what makes it worst is that her mum's birth cert did not state the race of her parents. This is a great blunder! Why? Because if the race is not stated then how to prove one's native status?? I am quite alarm as well coz I find that it seems that the National Registration Department is slack in advising the citizen in the sense that details such as race is important. Grrr!!! I compared my friend's birth cert with mine..unlike her, I was fortunate because the race of my parents are clearly stated.From my observation, it is very important that the race of our parents are stated so as to avoid any future uncalled for incidents! Lesson to my fellow citizen of Malaysia, if you are from an indigenous race of Malaysia, if you have a new born baby, please remember to state your race and your spouse's race. It'll definitely safe you from the hassle of having to prepare a Statutory Declaration and have the current birth cert from being amended. Hear ye, hear ye & the end!


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