ID Frenzy

I've been on an ID(interior decor) frenzy lately. Been thinking of redecorating my room for years. I have been holding it off for awhile but this time, I'm gonna make-it-be! No more procrastination! Slowly but surely, my brainchild would be materialized in full form. what have I started on? 1. I got an Ikea white rug. Bought it 2nd hand from a friend. Such a deal! 2. I got an arm chair. I've been scouting around for a good chair where I could rest my head while I read my books. In Kuching, the standard price for an arm chair could fetch from RM500-RM700. Way too much for a single chair! So I decided to do the crazy thing which is to get one from Ikea, KL. I know its such a hassle but looking at the price of the arm chair from Ikea, RM189, its definitely a steal! So I bought it. The hassle was worth it and come to think about it, it wasn't that too difficult to bring it back home to Kuching. Such bliss! So here's my latest ID. Am so well pleased! Hoping to do more with the limited budget I am in right now.
Yeah! Love it!


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