
My eyes have seen & I'll say...

Since its early 2020, I'm gonna do some recap on my past experiences with the church community in particular. So I was born and raised in a traditional church. Then I sort of questioned God at a very young age..asked Him: Why is it in the Bible its recorded that You do all these great & mighty things but I don't see it in my life or in the church I grew up in. I guess..I was still too young to understand that God's power is manifested in many different ways. Thank God, somehow along the way, He revealed Himself to me, not tangibly but in ways that I am convicted that Jesus is the Way and He is God. & yes I've also experienced the miracles and seen God's MightyHand at work too. Although I have left that church, I didn't leave because of conflict. I left because I don't find that I belong there and I don't fit into their mould.   Then when I was sixteen, my school mates and I, kind of, started a local church. Its a long story but put it...

2020 - Here I come!

Its the New Year! Year 2020. A decade has passed and bam! We're in the new era. I'm just grateful that I made it. Many time, I thought that I'm a goner in 2019. Man..was 2019 tough! Looking back, I can just stand amaze at how I could see today's light of day. Of course, its all God, not me. For 2019, I was tested - financially, emotionally and spiritually. The battle was fierce and constant. Sometimes I win, sometimes I loose. Sometimes, I just can't be bothered! Despite the fiery furnace experiences, I have also seen how God delivered. Either through miraculous provision or favour. God is good, in the good times. God is still good, even in the bad times. Really, am grateful. I also thank God for blessing me with good Christian family, who are there with me in my tough times. They can't do much but pray and encourage me. May not look much but it does help. Now, 2020...I don't know whether the fiery fire is over. But oh well, suffering is ess...

Doing the Esther!

When we are in a position of influence whereby we can make a difference, what are we to do? Especially if the non-action would cause a great injustice. Should we exercise the influence and pursue the call of justice? Such situation reminds me of Esther. She was blessed to become the queen, the wife of King Xerxes.  During that time, her people, the Jews, were under threat of annihilation. What she did was she set up a meeting with the King(despite such rule that she is not allowed to do so) and sought the King's favor to protect her people. It was really a risk because though being queen, she is still subject to the King's rule and punishment for breaking it may be fatal! Look at the former queen Hadassah  Vashti! She was dethroned! Well thank God she decided to speak up and a generation of Jews was preserved and is still alive and living till this day. Would she be spared if she were to keep silent? And would it be the end of her people? Esther 4:14 "For i...

Thomas says the darnest things!

I was reading John 11:14-16. 14 So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, 15 and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.” 16 Then Thomas (also known as Didymus[ a ]) said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him. ” Thomas’ remarks where totally out of this world!  He thinks he’s being super  ‘spiritual’ by saying that. Can’t help but wonder, where on earth did he get that idea?  Why is Thomas’ remark written in scripture? Are the scribes oblivious to what should be recorded and what shouldn’t? I believe that it is recorded for a reason. And there are some beneficial insights which we can gather therefrom. Well, there are people who are like Thomas. Who always have a need to say something in response to a statement made. Often than not, it is made without much thought or in the know. What are their motives? Why is it made? So, what are the lessons to be learnt here...

My givings came back...with a little bit of interest!

Due to the recent economy downturn, my business has not been doing so well. I've been suffering for years now and I'm hoping that things would take a turn soon. Hopefully! When Sunday comes, I always think to myself: How to give in such a time like this? I'm in business, so I don't have the luxury of a fixed income. If I give, what's going to happen to me.  However, I am convicted that no matter what is the economy, I am to give my tithes and offering. No compromise! Its not that God needs it. Its what God's Word has stated and I am to obey. Give I shall, despite how painful it is. Giving is an act of worship. Giving does require sacrifice! Well, what do you know! The next day, the very amount I gave in my offering, and the amount that I gave to bless others, came back to me! And the amount which I got back was a little bit more than what I have given. This is not the first time, by the way. I have been experiencing this for weeks after weeks now. I...

Kuching-Serian-Bau Flood 2016

The flood came to Sarawak again this year. Sigh! My heart goes out to those affected by it. Here are some pics taken by our local residents. Villagers from Bau area being evicted to the nearest retreat centres. Oh my dear Waterfront! How swollen is the Sarawak River! My heart goes out to the villagers who are living at the river side. This is the only connection to Sri Aman, Betong, Sibu up till Miri! I hope the water recede soon so that cleaning works could take place.

What addiction took from me!

I hate addictions! It took away my identity. Every time I indulge, the very bits which forms a part of me is stripped away. Many times, I felt like this:  What did addiction took from me? Here's a number of list of things that I want to specifically state: (1) my health. (2) my clarity and sharpness of mind. Which affected my job performance. (3) productivity. (4) relationship with God & others. Why? Coz you wanna spend more time with your addictions, not with the rest of the world! (5) empathy toward others. The aim of addiction is numbness! Not only does it numbs our feeling so that we don't feel stressed out with our problems, it numbs out the feelings(the necessary ones) towards our loved ones and the needy. (6) creativity. This is one of the dreaded loss! I have not been writing songs or blogging during that awful time. (7) my hobbies! I have not been singing on the guitar and piano. Not been listening to music for inspiration. Sucks! (8) time! Was...