Thomas says the darnest things!

I was reading John 11:14-16.

14 So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, 15 and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.”

16 Then Thomas (also known as Didymus[a]) said to the rest of the disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.

Thomas’ remarks where totally out of this world!  He thinks he’s being super  ‘spiritual’ by saying that. Can’t help but wonder, where on earth did he get that idea? 

Why is Thomas’ remark written in scripture? Are the scribes oblivious to what should be recorded and what shouldn’t?

I believe that it is recorded for a reason. And there are some beneficial insights which we can gather therefrom.

Well, there are people who are like Thomas. Who always have a need to say something in response to a statement made. Often than not, it is made without much thought or in the know. What are their motives? Why is it made?

So, what are the lessons to be learnt here? I believe, it is these:

1.)          Learn to abstain from saying anything when we come across statements which we cannot comprehend. Why?
-                To avoid from making false/empty words!
-                To avoid from falling into pride as the need to say something is motivated by the need to show that we are more ‘spiritual’ or ‘knowledgeable’ than anybody else.
-                So that we can learn to wait and listen to the Holy Spirit for His guidance and knowledge instead of relying on self.
-                It helps us tame the tongue as well.

2.)      Sometimes, we don’t understand God’s ways. So I believe, that we must learn to submit and surrender to His ways and trust Him to lead accordingly.

-                I’m not asking that we shouldn’t ask why. At times, the reasoning doesn’t come. And when God is quiet on that, we just need to learn to trust in Him. Perhaps, in time He would revealed.  And when it comes to pass, we would eventually know what God meant and we would definitely know, that the statement made is indeed from God Himself!

Dear Father God,

Help me to be watchful of my thoughts and whatever words that comes out of my mouth. Let me be quick to listen to Your Spirit! Let me not be awkward of silence! My dear God, I want to appreciate the quietness and stillness, believing that You are in the midst of it. Teach me to surrender to Your ways though I may not be able to understand them. It may not be now, perhaps, in Your beautiful time, I will know.

Jesus, I am grateful and I am amazed at how You are able to be silent when Your captors took you by force. Jesus, You are awesome!



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