2020 - Here I come!

Its the New Year! Year 2020. A decade has passed and bam! We're in the new era.

I'm just grateful that I made it. Many time, I thought that I'm a goner in 2019. Man..was 2019 tough! Looking back, I can just stand amaze at how I could see today's light of day. Of course, its all God, not me.

For 2019, I was tested - financially, emotionally and spiritually. The battle was fierce and constant. Sometimes I win, sometimes I loose. Sometimes, I just can't be bothered! Despite the fiery furnace experiences, I have also seen how God delivered. Either through miraculous provision or favour. God is good, in the good times. God is still good, even in the bad times. Really, am grateful. I also thank God for blessing me with good Christian family, who are there with me in my tough times. They can't do much but pray and encourage me. May not look much but it does help.

Now, 2020...I don't know whether the fiery fire is over. But oh well, suffering is essential in our journey of faith. If not, I may be complacent if times are just too smooth. I pray that this year, God will be my vision....And that I will see what He wants me to see.

Oh yeah...prior to entering 2020, I find myself singing this:
"Its the end of the world like we know it....& I feel fine.." 😎


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