My eyes have seen & I'll say...

Since its early 2020, I'm gonna do some recap on my past experiences with the church community in particular. So I was born and raised in a traditional church. Then I sort of questioned God at a very young age..asked Him: Why is it in the Bible its recorded that You do all these great & mighty things but I don't see it in my life or in the church I grew up in. I guess..I was still too young to understand that God's power is manifested in many different ways. Thank God, somehow along the way, He revealed Himself to me, not tangibly but in ways that I am convicted that Jesus is the Way and He is God. & yes I've also experienced the miracles and seen God's MightyHand at work too. Although I have left that church, I didn't leave because of conflict. I left because I don't find that I belong there and I don't fit into their mould.  

Then when I was sixteen, my school mates and I, kind of, started a local church. Its a long story but put it this way, we expected a certain pastor to be our pastor but it didn't materialize(halleluyah!) as God knows best! God's outcome is always an unexpected one and He provided us with the most suitable pastor which suits us. God bless him...he is still our pastor to this day and bringing him here(he's from another area) was truly God's plan. Now I know why God chose him and indeed, he is a blessing to not only our church but to our whole State!

The church started as being under the umbrella of our former mother church(which I shall not name). A few years down the road, there was a difference in point of views of how the church should run(not on matter of governance but rather more to activities & association with others outside the church). The "crisis" taught me a lot especially on accountability, transparency and unity among the Body of Christ. I thank God that it was settled in a godly manner, in the midst of christian counsels(group of pastors from other churches being mediators and all). In terms of unity, I shall say that God reminded me that we should lay aside our differences for the sake of unity and if the point of difference is not on a matter of absolute truths, just lay it down to keep the peace. I also taught myself to respect the decision of others and for the sake of Christ' Holy Name, don't be negative over a brethren who chooses to part ways. 

Talking about my church journey, I've had also experienced the leadership of a megalomaniac pastor when I was in my uni years. I had no idea why I stuck around but I guess at that time, I've had some church members who were like family to me. As much as I'm bothered with the abuse in power of the pastor, I kept going there, faithfully serving God because church is about God and not me. Or him...

Its so easy to stop going to church when we are offended by a believer's attitude/behaviour. But do fight it. Don't give in to the enemy as it is Satan's goal to break the church family. Always remember, we go to church for God's sake! Besides, if God is merciful to us, so shall we be merciful and gracious towards others. We are all a work in progress! I've also learnt how to accept correction and to not allow offence to ruin relationship. 

I really really praise God that I have finally come to discover what being a believer is all about. I'm not talking about merely being saved. But its about being sons and daughters of God. The church is family. We treat one another as brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers. Like any other family, there will be arguments. But we can't kick them out! They're family! 

Thank God for reminding me of my church journey. There are the good and the bad experiences. But there are no regrets because it made me who I am today. I am blessed to have crossed paths with the Christian believers in my lifetime. And to the pastor who has abused his title and position, my prayer is that one day, he would return back to the Saviour. To those of you who has stopped going to church because of the hypocrisy, abuse, etc. Please don't give up! Just open up your heart and let the Holy Spirit lead you and guide you accordingly. God bless!



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