On this day....

On this day, I celebrated my birthday. I'm so grateful indeed to be blessed with another day to live. An opportunity given by God to make amends, to seize the day and achieve the goals planned out for me.

On this same day, Sabah has declared a day of mourning for the lives that were lost due to the earthquake. My facebook is flooded with news of the unfortunate incident, pictures of the young students and guides who died due to the quake. My heart aches seeing it. Most of them are so young.


Looking at my life in light of the young lives that were lost, one may think, oh, its such a pity that they have lost their life at such a young age. Well, for me, it doesn't matter how long we live here on earth. What matters most is whether we have lived our life here well or not. As for the lives of the guides who were lost, some are even younger than me, I consider them to have lived well, a life well spent. Why? Because they have lived a selfless life. They have given more than money can buy that is to be responsible and faithful towards those under their cared, until their last breath. As for the lives of the young students, they have lived a full life! They have taken that risk to climb Mount Kinabalu. Its THE adventure, which I always dream of doing, I'm sure others too, but did NOT DO, cause of fear. My uttermost respect goes to them. Though their days were cut short, I'll say, their days were well spent. I'm learning a great deal out of this incident. I learn to be selfless, faithful and dedication from the guides. And I learn from the young students, to take that risk for a breath taking and memorable adventure.

 Picture of the late Robin who risked his life. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/robbi-sapinggi-mount-kinabalu-mountain-guide#/story     Wanna know more and how we can help, please click on the link. Thanks!

On this day, there are births, there are deaths. Live well and make our days count!


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