You're not there...definitely

At last, I've written a song after many months for not doing so. But this time I'm not going to do gospel songs. Chose to do delve into indie folk vibe..something that has been my desire. I got my muse back having encountered relationship that was not a healthy one...not me of course. Nevertheless, it inspired me. Behind it all I am annoyed with a certain girl who takes her boyfriend for granted. It was a relationship which prior to it all happening, I have advised her not to get into it but neah...she did not's a portion of the song, the gist of it all:

Don't play with love, its not a game,
Don't turn what's pure into a shame,
I've said it then, & I'll say it now,
You're not there...

Don't play with love, its not a game,
You play it wrong, one would go insane,
I've said it then, & I'll say it now,
You're not there..

Yes, to that girl..I've said it before it all started..& I'll said it're not ready for a relationship. You don't even know what you want. You don't know your own self. I hope that guy gets out of it before he gets himself into deeper trouble, deeper hurt.


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