We Speakeazy!

Its Sunday night and soon its gonna be Monday blues. No better way to shake it off by going out, chilling with friends and listening to good music. My pick for a hang out on this blissful Sunday is Speakeazy located at Ewe Hai Street, Kuching. When I stepped in, I was greeted warmly by its owner who is also a childhood friend of mine. The feel of the place is truly homey, comfortable and the ID is so refreshing! 
Me and the bosses. Don't mind the hat!! As per the boss: those who goes behind the bar must wear the hat! Its cray cray but hey! Its all about fun! Notice the junk foods behind, nicely stacked giving you the tuck shop vibe. Its intended to be that way coz the boss wants the place to be down-to-earth..not posh like. If you notice, there are books displayed on the top shelf. The boss said that you can take those books but in exchange you have to give yours to them. A book exchange program in a bar!! How do you like that??

From my pics, the place is brightly lit, a factor which I totally like most of all coz I hate dim lighted pubs. I love to hang and down me a good beer from time to time but unfortunately, the lighting which are mostly dim just steer me away from doing so. At last! A bright shining watering hole! 

Of course, the drinks and food is also important. For drinks, they have beers, wine and soft drinks. And if you're hungry, they've got pizzas and sandwiches to munch. I would not forget to mention also the music! If you're into alternative rock music, this is definitely a place for you to go. And did I tell you, its a non-smoking bar as well? Yup..couldn't get any better isn't it? Truly, people tend to speak easy here. True to its name!


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