Walk...it'll do you good

Love this song & the video clip. It speaks to me. And it reminds me of my past that never cease to give me the chuckles. So the story goes like this...When I was staying in the big city during my university hey days, one cannot help but get weighed down by the traffic, the presence of too many people and not forgetting the noise, the fumes. I remembered once I got so frustrated with the bus service that I decided to walk home. And home was about 5-6km away. But walked I did. And while I was walking, I noticed that I cooled off. The mind works better when it is calmed. And guess what my mind told me? What on earth are your doing walking back home? Its getting dark, etc. Due to sanity coming back to me, I decided to wait for the bus to go home.  Well, I never regretted that day! That walk. It was memorable. My advice when you're angry or stressed up. Walk. Jog. It'll do you good. And it'll make you come back to your senses. 


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