The price of beauty

I have sensitive skin. My face tends to have flakiness on the brow area and redness and dryness around the nose. On a bad day, I not only have to suffer shame due to the awful sight of the redness and flakiness, I too have to suffer the itchiness and at times soreness on my face. It was horrendous. As much as I want to save my pockets n skin care products, unfortunately I cannot with such skin condition. So I decided to try the skin care from Clinique. I opted for the basics which is the cleanser, the toner and the moisturizer for sensitive oile & dry skin. When I first tried it, I was afraid that the toner may be too strong due to the smell it emits. However, I faithfully stayed through with the products and after about 5 days I could see a radical change to my face. I am so ecstatic! This product works for me and now, my face looks radiant and smooth. No more redness. No more itchiness. This is money well spent! Total price is around RM300-350.

Yes, yes..I too have the itchy flaky scalp problem...and hair loss. I do not know why! The condition is bad on a hot day. When that happens, I can't stop scratching my head and that's not lady-ish at all. Don't start on wearing dark colored tops. I have to shy away from them coz it'll make the flakes from my scalp visible. So poor me, have to spend on my scalp and I must get myself a good product or else...there goes my money! My choice is Kiehl's. The ultimate thickening shampoo especially for thinning hair. Its not only strengthens the root but it has this mentholated feel while shampooing the hair hence soothing the scalp. The conditioner is also very very good...made mostly from the olive fruits. And as for the scalp condition, the Magic Elixir is applied after every wash while hair is still damp. Just massage it in and leave it on for a bit. This Elixir works well in soothing the scalp and redluces the flakiness. Use this everyday and you'll see the changes to the scalp. I'm so glad I made a good choice in Kiehl's. I can now wear dark tops and don a black LBD with confidence. No more worries about people coming to you and shaking off the flakes from your shoulders. Total price spent is around RM250.


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