I find where I belong

I grew up in a mainline church(not gonna mention names for due respect), where the service consist of leaders donning their religious robes, the only music accompaniment was the organ. Stand when the leader stands, kneel, when you are instructed to kneel. From birth to my early teen, that was how I was raised. I loved Sunday school though..the action songs like J-O-Y that is down in my heart, doing coloring of the picture of David v. Goliath...but when I turned 12 I had to transfer to the main service and it was not like Sunday school at all. It was more sombre. Like I've mentioned, kneel, when you're told to. Stand, when you're told to stand. I grew up this way until I was about 13. What has been going on in my mind during my early years was: Why is the Bible story that I read & heard does not match what is happening in my church today? Where's the power? I was so into 'the power' when I was young. I mean, how would I not be, being a person who loves action heroes? Anyway, I guess I was too young at that time, perhaps what I wanted was that God to be real to me. But its just not happening. 

Ok, back to 13. The age when my life turned around. So I came to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. A Christian principle which I only found out as truth at that time..duh! So much for my 'Christian' up-bringing. Accepting Jesus as Savior meant that we believe that Jesus is the Son of God & that He has died for our sins. It also is a personal confession, not only of Lordship but also confession of sins and asking God to forgive us and make us new through the blood of Jesus. This principle was not stressed in the church I grew up in. I thought that I was 'saved' by virtue that my parents belonged to that denomination & we are Sunday service church goers. By golly! I could have died in my sins those days and I'm so grateful that I get to know this truth before anything happened. Phew! Not only did I accept the Lord as my Savior and said the sinners prayer, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, this baptism of the Holy Spirit wasn't an acceptable thing where I came from. As a result, I had to visit other churches that delved into that to get my fill. With this new thing that has happened to me, there is this urge to share the revelation to others in the church. There's this desire to be a blessing to the church, to serve in the ministry. There was a barrier too, when that is concerned. The place of the women was either in sunday school or in the women's fellowship, of which the bulk of activity were kitchen duties. Don't even bother being in the seminary, as women are not allowed to serve as priest. Where I am at right now, I was thinking even if I had the opportunity to serve in the sunday school, there are still a restrain especially on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I have remained where I was after I became a born again Christian, as I was still searching for God to lead me as to where I go. I remembered being so lost, restrained...I've found hope in God, but where I was at, not so much. 

Am not being sore at the church of my birth, I didn't quite get it at that time, coz as I walked through this journey of faith, I came to a realization that: 

1. Church is the body of Christ, with various function. They have their own DNA. But the head is the same, i.e. Jesus. Be it mainline churches, pentecostal, evangelical lutheran, methodist, baptist, they have their own DNA. In my scenario, if I'm more inclined to the pentecostalic movement, then go to a place where they practice that. Some prefer quiet prayers, sing hymns, so let them be there. Both sides, the charismats and non-charismats should learn to respect one another's differences. 

 2. Just coz your parents come from a particular denomination, doesn't mean you have to be in that same denomination. I believe that God has a spiritual family for all of us. He's planned it all. Just let Him guide us there.I have! I found it and it was God led all the way! Perhaps, some parents may not like this. I understand their concerns. That is why, we need to teach our folks, on what being a Christian is all about. Know the core doctrines of Christianity which unfortunately, is not really taught in the church. 

 3. It is important that the church preaches the Word of God. That's the authority and any churches that goes against the Word, is definitely not a Christian church.

 4. There is no such thing as a PERFECT church! Hahaha...if you find one, do let me know. There will be people with an irritable persona, there will be people who will offend you, but we gotta remember that the church is for the sick, who suffers from emotional, spiritual sickness. That is where they can turn to, for help. And not forgetting, all of us are a Work in Progress. We are saved! We are in a process of sanctification. Lets give room for people to make mistake and grow. 

 5. Stick to 1 church. Be faithful to it. I find that it develops commitment when it comes to our relationship with one another and also where accountability is concerned. 

Anyway, yes, I left the church where I was born and raised in.  God has led me to a church where I belonged. Left when I was 16 and served there till now. I've bonded with the congregation there. Close is that bond that I regard them as my family members. We've gone through hard times together. But like iron sharpens iron, we grew out of it and those who remained became stronger. I've also grown spiritually, in terms of the knowledge of God's Word and I've also developed my spiritual giftings there. I've grown from just a pianist, then the guitarist,in my teens, then the song leader, cell leader, and youth leader in my 20s and now a song writer and preacher as I reached my 30s. Looking back, I'm just grateful for God's grace. For His guidance. Choosing God's plan wasn't easy. But it was definitely worth it! The church where God wants us to be is a church where we grow. Not only in the knowledge of God but also the knowledge of His love, how wide, how far, how deep is His love for us and love for our brethren. I hope this is useful for those who are contemplating on moving or choosing a church. 

 'I found where I belong, I'm a living stone, in this House I will go! There is power here for miracle, set the captives free, make the broken whole!' ~God is Awesome, Hillsong~


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