Thrash talk!

I so desire to give a new look for our staircase hallway. I've looked up ideas upon ideas on what to do with it. When I've decided on a concept, then I realized that I can't do anything unless the clutters that surrounds the area be removed. Gosh! Didn't realize that we could accumulate so much stuffs which ended up in boxes & garbage bags. These have been there since years from the day our house got renovated. So this year, my aim is to de-clutter the house. We have sorted things we want to get rid off. Now, its time to throw it out of the house..or sent it to the recycling center. Currently, I have 10% clutters to get rid off. Hopefully, tomorrow I will finish. As I go about with my 'slowly but surely' de-cluttering project, I am reminded of how important it is for us to de-clutter not only the physical garbage/excess but also garbages that fill our mind & lives. These garbage can affect our spiritual walk with God & does block us from receiving breakthrough in our life. What are the spiritual clutters in our life? Are there too many activities in our daily life that keeps us from spending our daily time alone with God? It can be our pleasure/leisure, it can be our relationship. It can be ministry as well. Its so easy to allow these to distract us from communicating with God & learning His Word. Sin is also garbage that has to be removed in our life as sin removes us from having a relationship with God. Are we keeping to old mindsets(like we're keeping to an old piece of cloth thinking that its gonna be a vintage piece?) Old mindsets can be like this : "How I wish God would move like that good ol days!" The thing is, God's movement is new. Its never the same. Coz He ain't a boring God. If we keep thinking this way, we are gonna miss the new thing that He wants to bring. & by expecting the new, we develop faith living. At the same time, when we allow God's Spirit to move, we learn obedience & submission. Spiritual clutters can be thinking/mindset which are carnal. These ought to put be to death as we are to live by the spirit & let the Spirit of God to take control of our life. While I was sorting the stuffs into boxes, its hard not to ask myself: 'what was I thinking buying this?' I had an eye opener moment: I have wasted a lot of money. & I am a victim of advertisement! I've learnt my lesson & from now onwards, I won't buy into what the advertisement sells me or what the media says is fashionable or stylish. Coz often than not, its not true. I was telling myself that I need to reaffirm myself: that I am a child of God & I am perfect in His Eyes. That's what matters most! Not only that, money could have spent on charity. On blessing others instead of gratifying self. Most of all, some of the thrashes are contributors to the depletion of natural resources. Oohh...hurts..Anyway.. De-cluttering requires work! It ain't easy. A good start for us is to acknowledge that we have clutters! Don't dismiss 'em. Its there. & its taking up space! Don't validate them by saying..someday, I'm gonna need these stuff. Or one day, that's gonna be a collector's item. Don't think any further about them, just decide to give them their end. & after that, to the garbage bin/recycling center it shall go. No turning back, no turning back as the song goes. After the de-cluttering, I still have to maintain the cleanliness. Not only that, avoiding myself from buying unnecessarily, hence wasting money again & also the earth's precious resources. "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,"- Phillipians 3:13 Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. -Isaiah 43:18-19 Tomorrow, I must, MUST do it! Get rid of that 10% clutter and be clutter free! Lets look at the end result. For me, its that clear chic hallway that I desire. So friends, de-clutter is that way to go. Especially, if you want a new thing to happen in your life.


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