Dreams do come true!

I have desired this: that one of my to-do list is to watch Bob Fitts' concert & to sing with a guy by the name of Wilson, whom I think has one of the best voice in town. Good news, Bob Fitts came to Kuching to promote his House of God concert recently. & I had the opportunity to serve as his back up singer for the concert. So honored & humbled at the same time. & all this happened in early June, right towards my birthday. Such a rewarding year for me. God is a Good Rewarded indeed! And guess who is my other co-back up singer? Its Wilson! The guy that I've mentioned. What a bliss! Thank God for granting my heart's desire. I am really encouraged that He has blessed me with the opportunity to be a blessing to others who have attended Bob's concert. Bob is such an anointed worship leader. I can see that his heart is truly for the natives of this land..Bob really reflects his song writings. A heart for the nations. I like his personality. Though being a famous song leader, he is still down-to-earth & friendly. Ok..he used to be famous those days(yeah..I get it, Hillsong, Chris Tomlin, yadi yadda) but he still got it!! Anyway, what is most important, he's got the anointing. I know! Coz a lot of people commented that they were ministered to at the concert. Now that is what matters. I hope you can see the video! Courtesy of bro. Stuart Rango. Love him for this! I recommend the album House of God. Its congregational friendly. The lyrics are biblical and encouraging. God bless! Bob Fitts. The legend!


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