I was looking forward to Malaysia GE13. & it finally has arrived & is already gone. Am I depressed with the results? Yes! But am I gonna give up to bring change in this nation? No. Am I going to mourn & sulk for the loss? No. Do I think this is a failure after all that we've gone through? Nope.
Rather, I rejoice! All is not loss! If ever, I shall rejoice because out of the desire to see change in this nation, churches all over Malaysia are willing to set aside their differences/agenda to unite & pray for our nation. The turn out of Christians in the prayer rally hosted throughout Malaysia was huge. More than I have ever seen throughout the past years. The church has awaken. The church is rising! I shall say its not a defeat, but its the beginning! Greater things are yet to come. & I for one am a great believer of the saying 'its always the darkest before the dawn'. One day, Malaysia will achieve true democracy. One day, liberation will come!