Keep us faithful dear Lord..

I remembered my pastor sharing to us that there is a call for the youths to rise up & answer the call of the Daniel generation. A generation that will stand firm & dare to say what they have said back then: "But even if He does not (deliver them from the fiery furnace), we want you to know, o king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." We are living in such times that the Christian faith would be challenged. Even our daily crisis & challenges in life would ultimately challenge us, & I personally am facing them bouts! I am shaken! By the slow business, by the unpaid bills & calls of creditors..I am shaken..Shaken by the news of fellow brethren who has lost their jobs. Some have to turn to downsizing their business. Some have yet to obtain employment even after graduating. I am shaken! Truly shaken..I kid you not. Oh dear is my prayer that we be like Daniel & his 3 buddies. We want to stay faithful, even if we see no bloodshed(if there need be) downsizing/closing of business...of course, we want all these to be lifted up..we want to be spared...I do know that the same sun & rain fall both on the good & wicked..Keep us faithful Lord to the end. That's my prayer...


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