Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala

I'm currently reading "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" by Jim Cymbala. Its my dad's book & he has it for many years. Many times when I come across the book, there's this curiosity within me to pick up the book & have a read. But I kept holding it off coz' seriously...I have too many books, unread books that is. the book..... SO why now? Well, lately I've been going through a spiritual rut in my life. I find that I am in a dire need to listen to God. Know His 'now' move. I was feeling so helpless, aimless...trying so hard to get back the groove with God. & that's how I got into reading this book. I gathered much insight reading Jim's book. What strikes me is that to see breakthrough in our life & in the church is really simple. Get to our knees & pray! Seek God in prayer. Things will happen when we get serious with God in prayer. Its happened in Jim's church. & I can see it happening in my church as well. Truly, God is good! We've been praying for God to send us families who can help us & lead more families to Christ. God has answered & now, we have 2 families in the church. All a result of prayer. Jesus be glorified! We are now also encouraging our people to come for prayer meeting. This year, the number of those attending prayer meeting has been increased. Glory to God! & yes, things are happening in my church...Fresh Fire, Fresh Wind of the Holy Spirit. Wanna be encouraged? Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire is a must read! God bless!


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