Family living..not asking too much really...

Hear ye, hear the people out there, who are living in a family it you're a husband/wife or can we live a peaceful & joyful life as a family? Here's some doesn't require much really.... If one can't contribute financially, or have a smaller income in the home, help in the household can be in the form of cleaning or cooking...if you're the guy, mow the lawn, wash the car, clean the drive way & drains, fix the hardware stuffs...can't expect the girls to do these a gentleman..don't want to loose the gentleman out there..Remember, when we are in a family unit, we all have to contribute to the household. There is no such thing as living in your room..& the house is not our hotel..not our launderer..your parents/siblings are not you maid...If you're a house husband, I won't look down at you as long as you're at home cooking & cleaning, taking care of the kids while your wife is at home. Its the modern times gotta embrace the change. & by no means am I saying that just cause one person earns higher income, that person has the right to laze about at home. Nope, no such thing. Still need to help around yer know.. Talk! Have a decent conversation. Don't say things that irritate others of course. Good things. Fun things. Memories....Even if you don't feel like it, talk!...not that one is expecting non-stop conversations. Want to see a change in your family relationship? Then have that conversation...Kids especially, talk to your parents! Don't go to them just because you want something. They have feelings too ya know. & parents, don't say things that discourage them...I guess, both parents & kids gotta learn how to converse with one another & to understand one another better. Oh may have their privacy in a family home. Privacy is respected but don't lock yourself in that room 24-7. If you want 24 hours privacy, why even be in the family home in the first place? get out of the room once in awhile...check on one another..see how they're means looking out for one another. Give & take! So what if someone in the family may have said something that hurts you. Take time to look at yourself when you get reprimanded by a fellow family member. If what they're saying is true, then we gotta change our ways..If its not true, then don't go about sulking & giving them the silent treatment or devising plans to get back at them. They're still your family members. There's a saying, blood is thicker than water. Just give & take. I know it hurts. But shutting ourselves from them is not the answer. When this happen to me, I am always reminded that people make mistakes. Everyone is in a learning process. Gotta give them room to grow & learn from their mistakes. Don't use their stuffs like its yours! I know one is family but that doesn't mean that their stuffs is your stuffs. Ask for permission at all times. Respect their ownership of possession. Be sensitive to their needs. Open your eyes!! Start getting your senses so as to detect their moods, their emotional condition. If you are down, I am sure you want to be comforted. If you have a need, I'm sure you want it to be met. So likewise with other who are in need. Learn how to care if you're not normally caring. Start today..small baby steps. So there! My take on family living. Don't ever, ever,break the family & take the family hood for granted. & yes...I do believe a tight family could bring social change to a nation. :)


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