Solutide!! Its difficult!

I've been slacking in many areas of my life right now. Spiritually as well. & I can only point to one reason why I'm being a slacker. I have not been listening lately..I'm too busy going about doing chores. Too busy with ministry. & yaddy yadda..Don't get me wrong. I still do the bible but I shall say, it wasn't good quality time with the Lord. Oh TV! Oh internet! Oh Facebook! oh the so many projects like doing interior decor, trying to embark on a fashion make over with my old pieces due to the low in budget...So many things that is equipping my mind! I can't keep still for even 15 minutes! Every time I do so, I'll say "God, where is this going?" Crick..crick..hear the crickets & their sound. Well, like it or not, I've gotta do it! Or else, I'm gonna get into a major breakdown or burnout. Now that's bad!! I know God has been putting solitude in my heart for the past few weeks. A friend has been bugging me to DO IT! thank God for such friend. Ok,ok. I'm doing it. I just need to do SOLITUDE. A spiritual discipline which sounds so simple yet difficult to do. Shall this be one of my resolution? You betcha! Now, I need to make a plan on how am I going to go about this. Oh solitude! I cringe at the mention of you...


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