Happy New Year 2013!

I know its a few days late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013! We have survived yet again the so-call Doomsdate ..not that I believe anyway...so here's what happened the past few weeks.. I am glad that my Christmas prezzies were a hit to my beloved families. I gave my sister nail polish from Hollika Hollika...my bros brewed beer & so ju...my dad a box of truffles & my mum a box of awesome chocolate cookies! All are cheap but nice! My Christmas Eve was the best ever! Held at my pastor's house which his wife did a top notch deco on..I wish I took pictures for your eyes to feast...& of course, the food! the theme was western dishes so there were bakes potatoes, beef stew, pizza, pastas & me..yours truly made roast pork! Hehehehehe...my 2nd attempt as I did a trial run before that...so glad that I can cook roast pork now. Come to think of it, it was a breeze! On Christmas day, there were some unfortunate turn of events...which really made me down. Was so upset with myself due to some misunderstanding. I got so down because it HAD to happen, of all days, on a Christmas Day! The mark of Jesus birth & that foolish move spoiled my day. I almost gave up on the day by refusing to go out of my room. But then again, I don't want to let my Christmas go by because of this. So I chose to humble myself(arghhh...) just repent, forgive & let go! The faster I do this, the faster is my deliverance! & praise God, by His grace I was able to get a move it! My Christmas did not go down the drain after all. Saved! Saved! Like how Jesus came to save us! Then there's New Year's Eve. As usual, I spent it at Watch Night service. Some people may think that its such a boring thing to do on a eve. Its the time whereby most of the people would go party, drink, eat...yeah...I've done it all during my younger days before my parents got saved...For me, ushering the New Year by acknowledging God into it is the BEST thing to do! I'm glad to do this every year...it ain't no ritual for me but I am doing this because God means a lot to me. I dare not live my life without Him guiding me. If you're out there, thinking..another new year, oh I'm getting older...I don't know what's waiting for me in the future...Well, trust in God, acknowledge Him & He shall make your paths straight. Though times are not getting better for us, environmentally & economically, what we can do is prepare. God bless!


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