3 days to 21.12.12!
In 3 days time, its going to be 21.12.12. On that date, it is predicted to be the end of the world. Doomsday some may call it. So well known is that date that it has been talked about since early this year. In fact, National Geographic Channel has a special show on this called Doomsday Prepper which I find pretty interesting in a humorous way! Do I believe that the world is going to end this 21.12.12. Nope. Nada. I can bet my bottom dollar on this that it ain't goin' to happen. My grounds? I have the Bible to stand on for my belief! Nobody knows the hour! Not even Jesus. Only the Father knows the time.(Matt. 24:36) However, Scripture does tells us the sign of the end of times but NEVER the actual date. For me, anyone who predicts the date for which this world would end is either a heretic or a cult. Definitely not from God! A reporter friend of mine did a newspaper cover on doomsday 21.12.12. She has asked for my views of it. I have given my take on the matter & have said...