Cleansing Stream Seminar

Beginning of month July, Trinity Community Centre started on the Cleansing Streams Seminar. Basically, its about inner healing and how to overcome bondages, bad habits/attitude/thinking in our lives. To know more go to This week's session requires us to read the book of Psalm and John. So, during this season of cleaning up for me, I'll try to share my thoughts on what I gain from the seminar and from my own personal time alone with God.

I got one thought sometime around last week. Psalm 4:4-5 "Tremble and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the Lord." The words that really speak to me is 'Offer the sacrifices of righteousness..' All these while, I always thought that sacrifices speak of sacrificing time, money, effort and energy. But this verse tells me of a new type of sacrifice which is righteousness, meaning, to live right before God. Living rightly is definitely a tough one for me. Especially when faced with a situation whereby compromise(i.e more to sin) is concerned.Not only that. Things like gossip and slander which we would surely come across everyday would pose another challenge.Should we give in to the pressure or should we choose to sacrifice the gift of living rightly before God?

Another point is that sacrifice of righteousness is often required at the utmost difficult of circumstances. It requires us to face the risk of offending others, a falling out in relationship, even our career and business may be at stake. So great is this sacrifice that sadly I sometimes fall prey to it just to protect myself.

Well, what should we do when we know that if we stand for God and it would jeopardize our livelihood? The end of verse 5 says "..and trust in the Lord." That's just what we are to do. Lets be comforted that with God, all things are possible. Nothing is too big that He cannot handle.


Jarod Yong said…
God described it right when He said that righteousness is a sacrifice because it is true that compromise is so much easier!

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