To our promised land we go!
This Sunday, TCC is having a gotong-royong at our new premise. At last, after 3-4 years of being a 'guest' at Good News Fellowship, finally we decided to move out early next month. We have been greatly blessed by Good News. We are blessed by their hospitality and generosity. Throughout our stay, friendships have been developed..especially with their guard, whom we secretly call Awie and their musicians from BM service. Most of all, we will miss, I mean I will miss the comfort of having good instruments, PA system, the lift, the guard, the stage...among other things! We can continue to remain at Good News. But we felt that it is time for us to move out. I believe God doesn't want us to remain in our comfort zone. It's not going to be easy for us. There are lots of things to carry out to the new premise. Moving would require monies to be spent. Not forgetting the monthly rent which would be more compared to what we're paying Good News right now. Monetary risk is inev...