Dilemma of a single woman in wedding ceremony
For year 2009, I have attended 2 weddings. One in February and the recent one was in June. 2 of my dear cousins got married. Both are in their 30s. When I received their invites, I was excited. Especially cousin Gerald's wedding. Cause its going to be at KK. On the other hand, I squirm at the thought of seeing my relatives and them asking me when is my turn. And don't forget the bouquet tossing event. Pure torture for me. Oh the ordeal that goes with weddings for me!
Last weekend, I managed to upload my cousin Gerald's wedding photos on FB. While doing this, my cousin Alice chatted with me...all the way from Guam. She gave me a Gawai greeting. OK..this is the Gawai season. Then she asked me bout my family. OK...I'm sure the 'it' question is coming. True enough. The 'when is your turn to get married?' question popped out. Hmm...I'm sick of coming up with any explanation cause people would say that I have many excuses or I'm too picky. If I don't say anything, then the other might feel bad or offended for my silence. Most of the time, for the sake of not offending the other, I opted to paint myself as 'Miss 1001 excuses.' The things that I do sometimes due to me being nice. But recently, I just laugh it off when people ask. I guess...laughing it off is the best way for me to stop the marriage conversation.
Oh ya...since when being single is considered a curse/disability/failure? And I can say, that some people do have prejudices against the singles especially the ladies. I can take the name callings and the question on why you're not married. But there is one remark a fella said to me: 'What is a lady at your age not married? You are prone to being with a married man.' If I was not a Christian, I would punch him in the face. This remark is so far the worst ever for me. I wish I could have thought of a good answer for him that very moment. Drats! I've got a good one now. I would say, 'Being married did not stop them from committing adultery either.'
Despite the taunts, being single does have its perks. More monies to spend on ourselves(selfish eh?) No one to worry about. No in-laws to please...I mean, its hard enough for me to please my own parents. At times I do get lonely, but loneliness doesn't kill me. As long as it doesn't kill me, its fine. Oh yes..I can serve God without having to ask the significant other's permission first. Won't be held up by children,etc.
Well, I've decided to take my time and I've submitted to the possibility of being single forever. Only God knows what the future holds for me in this. He knows best!
I'm glad that you do not ridicule yourself just because you have not gotten married yet when all your peers have already done so!
If you want it, a man will come one day...