Making my days count for God

Is it me or do I find that the days are passing by so quickly. Last Sunday, I remembered dreading going back to work on Monday. And now its Saturday night and tomorrow's Sunday. By the time I know it, May is over and we'll enter the month of June.

Oh dear, soon I'll be ..33 or 32? Even as I write this, I'm asking my sis how old am I? She's laughing. Well, what can I say? I stopped counting my age when I was 29. Mainly because it gives me the creeps. Undeniably. But don't get me wrong. I've come to grasp the reality that aging is the least of my problem. Its how I go through the aging process that matters. Should I be crabby everytime my birthday comes? Or should I celebrate it with joy and gladness?

As I write this I 'm reminding myself. Life is not about me. Its about God. Live my life as if that its my last day on earth. Make every second count for God. Do so and there will be contentment in my life. Well, pray for me my friends so that God would show me what to do as the time advances to 8th June, 2009.


Jarod Yong said…
God has a plan for you.
May He reveal it to you or will He?

God works in mysterious ways!

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