For once, I'm glad to be called an aunty

I always dread teens calling me aunty. But last night, I thank God for that title because somehow, it carries with it a degree of respect. Well, here's what happened...

I expected to have a fun night with my church youth members. After having dinner, we walked back to the car. On our way there, suddenly a guy came and shoved *Ichiro san. I thought this guy was his friend..I mean, perhaps he is fooling around or something. Turned out that he wasn't. He almost punched Ichiro, but thank God he didn't. Its not that Ichiro can't defend himself. He was hoping that the fella would make the first move so that he could tear him to bits. Er...Ichiro's almost 6 feet k and the offender is small built. After the shoving, the rascal walked towards *Fergie, and started to ramble on how he has left 3 government offers for her. And the funny thing was this guy wasn't even her boyfriend. He was just a friend to Fergie and a former school mate. Anyway...

So Kenneth butted in and threaten to call the police on the basis that the guy is acting violently. It didn't really scared him off though ..perhaps a little bit. Kenneth too was eager to throw a punch on the bully....Then I gathered my courage, and spoke in authority that I am a lawyer and what he is doing is wrong...hoping that he'll back off and flee. But that didn't work either cause he kept on making a scene. to end this la. I started praying in my heart asking for God's divine intervention. At last, I went to the guy and gently spoke to him in Iban. I don't really remember everything that I said but I know that I said that I'm 32 and you are still very young. You still have a long way to go in your life. This matter you're angry about, its just a small thing and you're making it into something big. Enough already. Its just a small thing. What did we do wrong to you? Etc.....And I have to bring Fergie back home cause her parents have given me the responsibility to do so. Etc, etc.

And at last, he said sorry to me, and said, what should I call you? Sister or aunty? I wanted to say sister (such denial) but I humbled myself(for tonight) and say that he should call me aunty. After that, he left.

What an ordeal!! I am still shaken by the incident. Well, who would have known that there is authority that comes with the aunty title. But actually, I believe that it was God who led me all the way.


Jarod Yong said…
You made some sense to him...
Thank God!
Jezzy said…
Kenny wanted to punch him ler...What a commotion. Chuak also.

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