Earth second, earth minute, earth hour

I have been waiting since the beginning of March to celebrate Earth Hour which was scheduled on the 28th March. My 1st Earth Hour started at Expert food court at RH Plaza. As the clock reaches 8:30p.m., the shop switched off their main lights, while the stall operators light remained as business still have to go on. Four points hotel participated as well. Its so encouraging to know that small and large businessess alike have lend their support in making this auspicious event a success.
After finishing dinner, my friends and I left RH Plaza and went to Green Heights Mall to join the Earth Hour celebration there. The Mall organized a mini concert consisting of 3 local bands, one of it is none other than Evenstarr, a local band of which my friend Silas is the vocalist. The concert was so-so, mediocre I shall say. But having to choose between being in a pitched black house and the amatuerish concert, I'd rather be in the midst of the concert. All was not lost though. I took pleasure in observing the antics of some peculiar individuals who stood out from the crowd, (one of them reminds me of my German sister) and yes, it has been awhile that I havent' look at the beautiful sky and gaze at the shining stars. Ahh....I have forgotten, that sometimes, the things that satisfies us in life is simple and this case.
Well, the one hour of darkness went by so quickly. Without realizing it, 9:30p.m. came. Ahh...back to the complexity. While standing in the crowd and seeing the lights up, I saw a girl at a corner, throwing a can of soda to the ground. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Earth Hour just finished seconds ago and yet this girl forget so easily what this event is all about.
Lets not make the principles behind Earth Hour a fad. Lets not just celebrate it on the 28th March. But let us have Earth second, Earth minute. I'm not asking that we totally deprive ourselves of electricity. But start taking care of our environment by keeping the earth clean, plant trees, recycle, etc. At the very least, throw your freaking rubbish into the garbage can. If we can't do this small task, then I'm fearful as to what will happen to our world's condition in future.


Jarod Yong said…
Unfortunately for the Earth...
When something goes mainstream, it becomes nothing more than a fad.
Jezzy said…
Yeah, I agree. I only started to be really serious after being inspired by what God said to Adam and Eve...that God has given us authority over the things on earth and that we are to rule over them. With that power comew great responsibility as well. ..Spiderman...

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