Dunia roh by Pastor Tony Daud

My friend Janics is so into Pastor Tony Daud's books. She has been sharing to me about his testimony (he was a former 'dukun tahap tertinggi' btw) and how his books really gave her insight on the spiritual realm and the occult practices. I wasn't too interested until lately..

Here's the story as to why the sudden interest in picking up Pastor Tony's book. It started with a relative who believes that my Akong is demon possessed. Mind you, the poor man is suffering from Alzheimer disease (certified by the docs!)and she believes that there's an evil spirit disturbing him. Come on now. I've seen people who are demon possessed. Their limbs can bend in outrageous places(yup, Emily Rose) and they can out power 10 people. I didn't say anything when she shared her opinion to refer my Akong to her bomoh. Well, I really didn't want to offend her. But I know in my heart, I sense God's Spirit grieving.

Anyway, it was not until she persuaded an aunt and a cousin to seek her bomoh's consultation about a week ago that I had to speak up. So I did. I shared to my aunts on how God healed me. Jesus is able to heal. We must be faithful to Him and continue asking for it. I blatantly say that going to the bomoh is against our Christian believe and it is a sin. And most of all, when we indulge in this practices, it will curse us. I know this cause my dad's ancestors were 'tukang gawai' and they are priests. My grandpa refused to have anything to do with their practices because he know that once you keep 'the practices', you are enslaved to it for life. Offend them, you'll definitely get their wrath.

Hence, the sudden interest in reading Tony Daud's book called 'Dunia Roh'. Its so interesting. All this while, I always thought, where does the kung fu movies have this idea of flying from tree to tree, walking on water and oh yes..the 'kame kame ha' move, whereby streams of energy would flow out of the palm of Son Goku's hand and hit an opponent at a distance of 50km (ok..I'm a fan of Dragonball). Well, these are the arts of those who practice 'ilmu santet'...don't ask me how to translate. This man, Daud Tony, was unbeatable among those who practices witchcraft in Indonesia...until he met his match..a Christian pastor. Needless to say, he was beaten by the pastor. Its not that the pastor has any power or anything, but it is the power of God that defeated Tony. Since that day onwards, Tony's life turned around and he is now used mightily by God in sharing God's love to the people.

I think this book is worth reading. Especially in our country where some people who call themselves Christian still goes to the 'bomoh' for healing. If you're a Christian and you know what the Bible tells about these practices, its time that we tell our love ones the truth. Reading Tony's book can also add to strengthen our case on why we should not indulge in this abomination.


Jarod Yong said…
You are so right!
Christians should seek the Holy Spirit bomoh aka Jesus.
Any other spirit will only curse you for life!

Kudos on standing up for what is right!

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