Reminiscing the year 2008
In the afternoon, I decided to read my 2008 journal. Need to go down memory lane & check whether I've progressed/I've learnt my lesson/what I have to beware of. So roughly this is what I've gathered:
(1) Always evaluate a situation whereby one thinks that he/she has achieved breakthrough from God.
(2) Get ready to get out of my comfort zone.
(3) Don't be idle. I had 2 warning signal against idleness.
(4) Don't be bitter. Love our neighbours as we love ourselves. Difficult one here.
(5) Learnt that I need to hope in God always. No matter how difficult it may be.
(6) To remind myself to learn how to 'ride the waves.'
(7) Wrote 3 songs this year. Which I find is in-line with the spiritual atmosphere at the time.
(8) Met new friends this year who are a blessing to me.
(9) Got my guitar pick up. It was a miraculous provision. & the pick up was perfect!
(10) Went for the inner healing seminar. I felt lighter! Alas...excess baggage was dumped to the depths of the sea. Note to self: Don't accumulate it again. If it occurs, Repent, Renounce & Break! Yeah..
(11) God really stretched me in 2008. Looking back, I don't regret it. God makes all things beautiful in His perfect time.
(12) Remember Rev. 2:4-5 "Yet I hold this against you. You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent & do the things you did at first." So no matter how 'churchy' I matter how many things I did in His service. Don't let ministry be my God. Hey...this one can really catch me off guard.
(13) Protect our family. Even our extended family. No family is perfect. We're all flawed in many many ways. Nevertheless, they do have their strength. Always look at that. I have to constantly remind myself, that my family members are on a journey to perfection!