Rush of the new year

I envy those who are still in sec school. They have year end holidays. No worries. Just relax & hanging around. But us working people, we have to rush our datelines, especially now that the end of the year is coming.

Why does this rush comes around at this time? Shouldn't we be gearing up for the coming Christmas season? Shouldn't we get excited & start thinking about what presents should we give...& what presents would we receive..can't wait la. But the rush hours..such a drag.

I want to rest. I want to enjoy. I want to eat, sleep & make merry..err...not revelries kind of thing k...for those who know me, you know what I mean..

Fine, I'll just reminisce those days. Camp at Siar Beach, endless TVs, videos, hanging around aimlessly at Parkson/SP/KP...bowling at Riverside...going to friend's house & having a go at being crazy...driving in the middle of the night..going to Damai, lepaking at Waterfront in its glorious days, eating supper at Open air market (Ah Mui you're the best!)...Its all just memories now. Sigh!!


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