Lundu...its all coming back to me..

My family & I decided to make an impromptu trip to Lundu beach this afternoon. It's been quite some time that I haven't visited the beach there. There's no reason why I should stop going though. Now that there's a bridge. Not like last time where we had to queue up for the ferry & we had to rush home lest we miss the last ferry.
So we went to the beach. Ma, Gene, Khira & I. Dad went for golfing. Joey had some function. Chris was somewhere at Lundu...having GB camp. She jealous!
While playing around with the waves, I remembered the time when I was in primary school. How my bro Gene, my cuz, Bujang & my aunt Sophie would go swimming so far out from the shore & we'll go venture to the next beach. Crazy right? I remembered the sea condition was harsh but yet we were fearless. Come to think of it, really God was watching over us. When I saw the waves, I got scared. Didn't dare to go too far. Again, I thought. What were we thinking back then? There's a lesson that I learnt. I need to have a childlike faith in my relationship with God. Cause a child's thinking is simple. The kindy song is playing in my mind right now. "My God is so big. So strong & so mighty. There's nothing my God cannot do. "
After we finished, I decided to stop by Siar Beach. This place is really nostalgic. Went for CF camp for 4 years in a row at the same venue. Oh yes. My school's CF had been using Siar Beach as their official camp venue. FYI, signs & wonders happened at Siar Beach during one of the CF camp. Where purportedly God revealed Himself to the students & their teachers through writings & drawings in the sky. The event happened around early morning, bout 3 a.m. The lodging place where we lived was so run down. So sad. However, there's a nice small resort in front of it. With a cafe & swimming pool. Yes, swimming pool!! The place is nice too. I like the deco.
So we went back around 4p.m. As we passed by Lundu town, another thing that striked me was the roti bakar which we love & adore when we were young. I wonder whether that particular kopitiam is still around. Ahh..the taste of the melting kaya & butter in my mouth. Its coming back to me. And the smell of the charcoal roasted bread. Heavenly!!


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