My eyes have seen & I'll say...

Since its early 2020, I'm gonna do some recap on my past experiences with the church community in particular. So I was born and raised in a traditional church. Then I sort of questioned God at a very young age..asked Him: Why is it in the Bible its recorded that You do all these great & mighty things but I don't see it in my life or in the church I grew up in. I guess..I was still too young to understand that God's power is manifested in many different ways. Thank God, somehow along the way, He revealed Himself to me, not tangibly but in ways that I am convicted that Jesus is the Way and He is God. & yes I've also experienced the miracles and seen God's MightyHand at work too. Although I have left that church, I didn't leave because of conflict. I left because I don't find that I belong there and I don't fit into their mould. Then when I was sixteen, my school mates and I, kind of, started a local church. Its a long story but put it...