Watch it!

While I was walking at the streets, here and there, everywhere, I see people going about their ways either talking on the phone. & if they are static, they'll be looking at their handphone. Hello! Peeps! Can't you watch where you going or be aware of your surrounding? If only they knew they are an easy prey to the snatch thieves lurking out there! Or worst, who knows there's an emergency situation whereby we need to evacuate(oh me paranoid, but when it does happens, you gotta thank me!). Its alarming that we allow technology to distract us. I believe that a majority of our hours are spent on technology alone. Not only does it distracts us from productivity, it causes us our relationship with people! Oh dear....wonder what would this generation end up as. Cringe...

Back in the day, where there's no such thing as technology, people still have distractions in their life. Remember what Jesus told Peter and the sons of Zebedee. "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit is willing but the body is weak." (Matthew 26:41). This is said after the guys was found asleep!

Apparently, people has a problem with being watchful. I guess, with the coming in of technology, its gonna be extremely hard to be watchful. Today's walk kind of reminds me to be watchful. Not only for the purpose of being alert to dangers. But to really, really watch the wonders that God has made with His hands. The trees at the side walk. The pretty stray cat roaming at the alley. And what about the blind man sitting at the entrance of the mall, begging. If we do not see, we would not know the surrounding needs around us. Which is sad, coz a lot of needs can be met if only we see...If we don't see, the hungry will continue to go hungry. If we don't see, the rates of suicide will go on the rise. If we don't see, our children will loose touch of experiencing what real childhood is all about.

So watch it people! Watch it! Time to put down that phone and start opening our eyes to see.


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