Jesus Culture Tour Malaysia 2014

                                         Pastor Banning
                                    Kim Walker has such a sweet anointing!
  Chris Quilala singing Your Love Never Fails(I so wanted this song to be sung!)

This year is such a good year. I get to watch 2 Christian concert which forms part of my bucket list. The 1st concert for the year was Paul Baloche's 'The Same Love' tour. Then there was the Jesus Culture tour in April. I only come to know of Jesus Culture's concert in March after Paul's concert. It was such a leap of faith for me coz its gonna cost me. As I was afraid that this opportunity may not come again, so I decided to take that leap. Go for it! It was a decision which I never regretted. I enjoyed myself. The music was good and more importantly, I was blessed! Its so timely that this concert was held during the nation's most tumultuous time. But I sense that God is at work through the band and through those who attended. God was present that night and I believe He heard the cries of people for this nation. God bless Jesus Culture for stirring up that passion to worship God and my heart's desire is to see God show His glory to our people over here in Malaysia.


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