Ouch! That hurts!

A few months ago I was confronted by a fellow friend on my behavior. So what was addressed? The brash statements I made and announced publicly concerning the person who had confronted me(well, more like among close knit of friends). And how I tend to get defensive when being told of certain feed backs. When the person wanted to talk to me personally, I already knew in my heart, oh no..what have I done? But at the same time, I told myself, now, now. Don't overeact. It may be something that is good for me. & even if its something that is hurtful, perhaps it is for me to change. So ok. Lets do this!

So I braced myself for the news & needless to say, it hurts! God knows how I was controlling my emotions at that time. When I got back home, I repented for what I've done & told God to help me change. The confrontation was such an eye opener. What I've learnt from it is this: Sometimes we get too comfortable with our love ones that we take it for granted that certain remarks made by us may be embarrassing or hurtful or offensive. We think all parties are okay with it by virtue of the close bond but NO...it can and does injure the feelings of others. Note to self then: BE CAREFUL OF WHAT WE SAY OR DO UNTO OUR CLOSE FRIENDS. WE STILL NEED TO BE SENSITIVE TO THEIR FEELINGS. ENOUGH SAID!! Ok. Lesson learnt & I'm continue to learn this.

I also embraced the address on being defensive. This was also an 'ouchy' issue for me. However, its very important for me to get through this. Part and parcel of learning and growing requires us to be corrected. If we can't accept correction, then we'll continue to live in error. We'll continue to be at the same rut, not progressing forward. Why do people live in self-denial? Simply because they are not willing to acknowledge that they have issues & they need help to overcome those issues. Really...there's a lot of self-denial and denial of government of the day as well.

Anyway.....You hurt, you learn, you bleed, you learn, you learn, as Alanis Morrissette sings it out.

Proverbs 15:32
He who ignores discipline despises himself,
but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.


Jarod Yong said…
We're not perfect & after looking at imperfect in the mirror for a while we tend to forget what perfect looks like & mix up the two.
It's a constant challenge to (as the Chinese adage goes) empty our cups.

I'm glad you're still willing to learn. =)

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