9th July 2011- may it be a history & His-story!

9th July, 2011. Will it set history? Yes, I'm talking about the much talk about Bersih 2.0 rally to be held in Kuala Lumpur. When I heard the news that the rally would be held at the stadium instead of at the streets, I was relieved. Unfortunately, my sense of relief was short lived as today it was announced that the group was denied the use of the stadium on a basis of which, I need not state here in detail, is pretty much absurd.

My only hope & prayer is for God's divine intervention in this. I'm reminded of a friend, Al Tony, who has sang a song "Pharaoh, Pharaoh, let My people go!" in one of my church service. The song talks about the story of Pharaoh refusing to let God's people go. Pharaoh's heart was hardened and because of this, Pharaoh's nation had to go through God's Hand of punishment until he finally gave in.

What are we to do then? Even as we are far away from the appointed place? Well, let us Christians show our support by praying for God's divine intervention. That He would touch the heart of our 'modern day Pharaoh'. Pray that there will be a peaceful demonstration and for the safety of the people from all camps. May God's will be done & may His Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven. Let 9th July, 2011 not only be a significant history in the turning around of this nation, but it shall also be known as His-story! Lets declare that there would be a turning around in this nation daily! & I shall continue to sing "Pharaoh, pharaoh, let my people go!"


Jarod Yong said…
I will be in history.
Let's just hope it doesn't get too bloody.
Jezzy said…
you did? One death kam..:( But his death will not be in vain. Now the world knows the truth of the matter.

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