If I...

Mixed thoughts are lingering in my mind,

Thoughts of letting go,

Thoughts of holding on,

Wish I could know which path I would choose.

If I let go,

I fear of loosing,

That special something that I have had,

But yet I doubt,

whether there is a spceial something in the first place.

& if I let go,

Perhaps things can take a turn?

From the impossible to the possible,

A miracle explosion which I may see with time.

On the other hand..

If I hang on,

I'm afraid of inter-meddling,

With God's destiny for us,

& that would cost us our blessing.

If I hang on,

I fear that reality sinks in,

& I'll be disappointed with the superficiality,

& loose the possibility of ever finding true love.

& if I hang on,

Maybe things could work out,

A relationship may bloom,

Into something wonderful....who knows?

Arggh!! Too many voices,

But I've got only one choice,

To make soon before I wear myself down,

Cause there's so much that this girl can take!

At the end of the day,

This is what I pray,

That God would lead me,

To His path that is best,

For me & for the other,

Cause I know this for sure,

That this life is not about me,

Not about the other,

Not about material gain & eartly success,

But its about Him,

The God of eternal rest.

Written by Jezzy Dior


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